
If you want to use MongoDB to stroe data in project, framework provide think-mongo extend to support MonogDB, this module is based on mongodb.

MongoDB Extend features

Modify extend configuration filesrc/config/extend.js (or src/common/config/extend.jsin multi-module project), add the following configuration:

const mongo = require('think-mongo');

module.exports = [
  mongo( // To allow framework support model feature

After extend is configured, it will inject think.Mongothink.mongoctx.mongo and controller.mongo methods, where think.Mongo is the base class file for instantiating Mongo models, others are the Mongo model instantiating methods, ctx.mongo and controller.mongo is think.mongo method's wrapper.

Config MongoDB database

MongoDB database configuration reuse relational database congiguration, it is a adapter configuration in model, file path is src/config/adapter.js (or src/common/config/adapter.js in multi-module project).

exports.model = {
  type: 'mongo', // The default use type, can be change by parameter on runtime
  common: { // common setting
    logConnect: true, // whether to print database connection information
    logger: msg => // logger to print message
  mongo: {
    host: '',
    port: 27017,
    user: '',
    password: '',
    database: '', // database name
    options: ''

support multiple host and port, such as:

exports.model = {
  type: 'mongo', // The default type
  common: {
    logConnect: true,
    logger: msg =>
  mongo: {
    host: ['', ''],
    port: [27017, 27018],
    user: '',
    password: '',
    database: '', // database name
    options: ''

More configuration refers to

Create model file

The model files are placed in src/model/ directory (multi-module projects src/common/model and src/[module]/model), inheriting the model base class think.Mongo as bellow:

// src/model/user.js
module.exports = class extends think.Mongo {
  getList() {
    return this.field('name').select();

If the project is more complex, you want to subdirectory management of the model file, you can create subdirectories in the model directory, such as: src/model/front/user.js, src/model/admin/user.js, so Create the front andadmin directories under the model directory to manage the foreground and background model files separately. Instantiation of a model with subdirectories requires subdirectories path, such as: think.mongo('front/user'), see here.

Instantiate the model

When the project starts, it scans for all model files (src/model/ under the project directory, src/common/model and various src/[module]/model under the multi-module project) After all the model classes will be stored in object, from which to search class for instantiation, if not found, think.Mongo will be instantiated.


Instantiate model class.

think.mongo('user'); // get model instance
think.mongo('user', 'sqlite'); // get model instance and change database type
think.mongo('user', { // get model instance, set type and add other parameters
  type: 'sqlite',
  aaa: 'bbb'
think.mongo('user', {}, 'admin'); // get model instance, specific admin module (only for multi-module project)


Instantiate the model class, call the think.mongo method after obtaining the configuration, and get the configuration for the current module under multi-module project.

const user = ctx.mongo('user');


Instantiate the model class, call the think.mongo method after obtaining the configuration, and get the configuration for the current module under multi-module project.

module.exports = class extends think.Controller {
  async indexAction() {
    const user = this.mongo('user'); // instantiate model in controller
    const data = await;
    return this.success(data);


Equivalent to think.mongo.

Model with subdirectories instantiated

If the model directory contains subdirectories, then you need to bring the corresponding subdirectory when instantiating:

const user1 = think.mongo('front/user'); // instantiate front user model
const user2 = think.mongo('admin/user'); // instantiate backend user model


How to use mongoose in project?

think-mongoose module is provided, You can use some of the Mongoose operations directly in the project.


Get primary key of the data table, the default value is _id. If the data table's primary key is not _id, you need to configure yourself, such as:

module.exports = class extends think.Mongo {
  get pk() {
    return 'user_id';

Sometimes do not want to write model files, but in the controller directly instantiated, then want to change the name of the primary key, you can set _pk property, such as:

module.exports = class extends think.Controller {
  async indexAction() {
    const user = this.mongo('user');
    user._pk = 'user_id'; // set pk through _pk property
    const data = await;


Obtain data table prefix, obtained from the prefix field in the configuration. If you want to modify it, you can through the following ways:

module.exports = class extends think.Mongo {
  get tablePrefix() {
    return 'think_';


Get data table name, the value is tablePrefix + modelName. If you want to modify it, you can through the following ways:

module.exports = class extends think.Mongo {
  get tableName() {
    return 'think_user';


  • name {String} model to instanitate
  • return {this} model instance

To instantiate other model, support subdirectory model instantiation.

module.exports = class extends think.Mongo {
  async getList() {
    // if subdirecotry you need to add the subdirectory path, such as: this.mongo('front/article')
    const article = this.mongo('article'); 
    const data = await;


Get or set db instance, db for Adapter handle instance.

module.exports = class extends think.Mongo {
  async getList() {
    // To allow user reuse current Apdater handle instance, so that to reuse database connection
    const user = this.mongo('user').db(this.db()); 


Model name on model instantiation.

const user = think.mongo('user');

If instance is instantiate by model name of user, then the value of model.modelName is user.


Incoming configuration of the model instantiation, the model will automatically be instantiated, without manual assignment.

  host: '',
  port: 27017,

mongo.limit(offset, length)

  • offset {Number} start index(similar to SQL offset)
  • length {Number} length (similar to SQL length)
  • return {this}

Set SQL statement limit, will be assigned to this.options.limit property, for subsequent parsing.

module.exports = class extends think.Mongo() {
  async getList() {
    // Top 10
    const list1 = await this.limit(10).select();
    // 11 ~ 20
    const list2 = await this.limit(10, 20).select();
}, pagesize)

  • page {Number} Set current page
  • pagesize {Number} size of page, default value is this.config.pagesize
  • return {this}

Setting the query page will resolve to limit data.

module.exports = class extends think.Mongo() {
  async getList() {
    const list1 = await; // query first page, 10 records a page.
    const list2 = await, 20).select(); // query second page, 20 records a page

Record number per page can be set through pageSize, such as:

// src/config/adapter.js
exports.model = {
  type: 'mongo',
  mongo: {
    database: '',
    pageSize: 20, // set default page size to 20


  • where {String} set query conditions
  • return {this}

Set query fields, which is stored as this.options.where property, for later parsing.

module.exports = class extends think.Mongo{
  async getList() {
    const data = await this.where(where).select();


  • field {String} query field
  • return {this}

Set query field, which is stored as this.options.field propery, for later parsing.

module.exports = class extends think.Mongo{
  async getList() {
    const data1 = await this.field('d_name').select();

    const data2 = await this.field('c_id,d_name').select();

model.table(table, hasPrefix)

  • table {String} table name, support SELECT query
  • hasPrefix {Boolean} whether table has prefix, default value is false.
  • return {this}

Set the table name for current model, if hasPrefix is false, the table name will be appended tablePrefix, the last value will be set to this.options.table property. If this property is not set, the name of the table will be obtained by model.tableName property at the time of final parsing.


  • options {Object} options to be merged to this.options for parsing
  • return {Promise}

Parse options. The where, limit, group, etc. actions sets the corresponding vlaue the this.options, which parse this.options and appends corresponding properties for subsequent processing.

const options = await this.parseOptions({limit: 1});
options = {
  table: '',
  tablePrefix: '',
  pk: '',
  field: '',
  where: '',
  limit: '',
  group: '',

After parsing through this.parseOptions, the value of this.options will be set to emtpy object {}.


  • order {String | Array | Object} sorting method
  • return {this}

Set the sorting method, will add this.options.order property.

  • group {String} group by field
  • return {this}

Set group inquiry. Will add property for later analysis.


  • distinct {String}
  • return {this}

Distinct query. Will add this.options.distinct property for later analysis.

model.add(data, options)

  • data {Object} Data to be added, if some fields of data do not exist in data table will automatically be filtered out
  • options {Object} will be parse by parseOptions method
  • return {Promise} ID of added data

Add one record, return id of inserted data.

The return value may be 0 if data table has no primary key or auto nincrement property not being set. If manually set primary key on data insersion, the return value may also be 0.

module.exports = class extends think.Controller {
  async addAction(){
    let model = this.mongo('user');
    let insertId = await model.add({name: 'xxx', pwd: 'yyy'});

model.thenAdd(data, where)

  • data {Object} data to be added
  • where {Object} where condition, which will be set by where method.
  • return {Promise}

Only add data when where condition did not hit any data.

module.exports = class extends think.Controller {
  async addAction(){
    const model = this.mongo('user');
    //first parameter is the data to be added, the second parameter is where condition, which mean to add data when there is record with email of 'xxx'
    const result = await model.thenAdd({name: 'xxx', pwd: 'yyy'}, {email: 'xxx'});
    // result returns {id: 1000, type: 'add'} or {id: 1000, type: 'exist'}

It can also set where condition through this.where method, such as:

module.exports = class extends think.Controller {
  async addAction(){
    const model = this.mongo('user');
    const result = await model.where({email: 'xxx'}).thenAdd({name: 'xxx', pwd: 'yyy'});
    // result returns {id: 1000, type: 'add'} or {id: 1000, type: 'exist'}

model.addMany(dataList, options)

  • dataList {Array} data list to be added
  • options {Object} options which will be parsed by parseOptions method.
  • return {Promise} return ID list of inserted data

Add multiple records at once.

module.exports = class extends think.Controller {
  async addAction(){
    let model = this.mongo('user');
    let insertIds = await model.addMany([
      {name: 'xxx', pwd: 'yyy'},
      {name: 'xxx1', pwd: 'yyy1'}


  • options {Object} options which will be parsed by parseOptions method
  • return {Promise} return the number of rows affected

Delete data.

module.exports = class extends think.Controller {
  async deleteAction(){
    let model = this.mongo('user');
    let affectedRows = await model.where({id: ['>', 100]}).delete();

model.update(data, options)

  • data {Object} data to update
  • options {Object} option to be parsed by parseOptions method
  • return {Promise} return the number of rows affected

Update data.

module.exports = class extends think.Controller {
  async updateAction(){
    let model = this.mongo('user');
    let affectedRows = await model.where({name: 'thinkjs'}).update({email: ''});

By default updatte must be added where condition to prevent misuse caused all the data is incorrectly updated. If you are sure to update all data, add 1=1 where condition will do the trick. Such as:

module.exports = class extends think.Controller {
  async updateAction(){
    let model = this.mongo('user');
    let affectedRows = await model.where('1=1').update({email: ''});

Sometime we need to update value according to other fields or database functions, this can be done with the help of exp.

module.exports = class extends think.Controller {
  async updateAction(){
    let model = this.mongo('user');
    let affectedRows = await model.where('1=1').update({
      email: '',
      view_nums: ['exp', 'view_nums+1'],
      update_time: ['exp', 'CURRENT_TIMESTAMP()']

model.thenUpdate(data, where)

  • data {Object} data to update
  • where {Object} where condition
  • return {Promise}

Only update data when where condition did not hit any data.

model.updateMany(dataList, options)

  • dataList {Array} data list to update
  • options {Object} option to be parsed by parseOptions method
  • return {Promise} return the number of rows affected

Update multiple data, the datalist must contain the primary key, it will be automatically parsed as update condition.

  id: 1, // data must contain primary key
  name: 'name1'
}, {
  id: 2,
  name: 'name2'

model.increment(field, step)

  • field {String} field name
  • step {Number} value to increase, default is 1
  • return {Promise}

Increase field value.

module.exports = class extends think.Mongo {
    return this.where({id: id}).increment('view_nums', 1); //add 1

model.decrement(field, step)

  • field {String} filed name
  • step {Number} value to decrease, default is 1
  • return {Promise}

Decrease field value.

module.exports = class extends think.Mongo {
    return this.where({id: id}).decrement('coins', 10); //To descrease gold by 10


  • options {Object} options will be parse by parseOptions method
  • return {Promise} return single data

To query single data, the return value type is object. If no data is found, the return value is {}.

module.exports = class extends think.Controller {
  async listAction(){
    let model = this.mongo('user');
    let data = await model.where({name: 'thinkjs'}).find();
    //data returns {name: 'thinkjs', email: '', ...}
    if(think.isEmpty(data)) {
      // handle whne data is empty

You can use think.isEmpty method to judge whether value is empty.

  • options {Object} options will be parse by parseOptions method
  • return {Promise} return multiple data

Query multiple data, return array data type. If no data is found, the return value is [].

module.exports = class extends think.Controller {
  async listAction(){
    let model = this.mongo('user');
    let data = await model.limit(2).select();
    //data returns [{name: 'thinkjs', email: ''}, ...]


You can use think.isEmpty method to judge whether value is empty.

model.countSelect(options, pageFlag)

  • options {Number | Object} options will be parse by parseOptions method
  • pageFlag {Boolean} when the number of pages is not legal, true is amended to the first page, false is amended to the last page, the default does not correct
  • return {Promise}

Paging queries, in general, need to be combined with the page method. Such as:

module.exports = class extends think.Controller {
  async listAction(){
    let model = this.mongo('user');
    let data = await'page')).countSelect();

The return data structure is as follows:

  pagesize: 10, 
  currentPage: 1,
  count: 100, 
  totalPages: 10, 
  data: [{ 
    name: "thinkjs",
    email: ""
  }, ...]

Sometimes the total number is stored in other tables, do not need to check the current table to get the total number, this time can be the first parameter options set to the total number of queries.

module.exports = class extends think.Controller {
  async listAction(){
    const model = this.mongo('user');
    const total = 256;
    // set total number to 256
    const data = await'page')).countSelect(total);


  • field {String} field name
  • return {Number|Array} return the summation result

If there is no grouping, the default number will be returned. If there is any group, the group information and the summation result will be returned, as shown in the following example:

module.exports = class extends think.Controller {
  async listAction(){
    let model = this.mongo('user');
    // ret1 = 123  no group, return number
    let ret1 = await m.sum('age');        

    // ret2 = [{group:'thinkjs1',total:6},{group:'thinkjs2',total:8}]
    // with group return [{group:xxx,total:xxx}...]
    let ret2 = await'name').sum('age'); 

      // ret3 = [{group:{name:'thinkjs',version'1.0'},total:6},{group:{name:'thinkjs',version'2.0'},total:8},]
    let ret3 = await m.where({name:'thinkjs'}).order('version ASC').group('name,version').sum('age'); 


  • options {Object} options will be parse by parseOptions method
  • return {Promise}

Aggregation operation, see Aggregation


  • map { function | string} mapping method
  • reduce { function | string} reduce method
  • out {Object} other options
  • return {Promise}

Collestion Map-Reduce operations, see MapReduce


  • indexes { string | object} index name
  • options {Object}
  • return {Promise}

Create index, see ensureIndex


  • return {Promise}

Get Index.