Relation Model

During project development, you always need to manipulate database tables, thus involes CRUD operations, but Spelling SQL statements manually is very troublesome. Meanwhile,you also need pay attention to the security issue like SQL injection. ThinkJS provides the model function to facilitate the operation of the database.

Extend model

The default framework does not provide the model function, you need to load the corresponding extension to support, the corresponding module is think-model.Modify the extended configuration file src/config/extend.js ( src/common/config/extend.js in multi-module project) and add the following configuration:

const model = require('think-model');

module.exports = [
  model( // let the framework support the model function

After adding the model's extension, the method think.Modelthink.modelctx.modelcontroller.modelservice.model is added here。

Configure the database

Since the model will support multi-types of database, so the format of the configuration file by the Adapter way. The file path is src/config/adapter.js (src/common/config/adapter.js in multi-module project).

const mysql = require('think-model-mysql');
exports.model = {
  type: 'mysql', //default type, can call the specified parameters to switch
  common: { // common configuration
    logConnect: true, // whether to print database connection information
    logSql: true, // whether to print SQL statement
    logger: msg => // the logger for print information
  mysql: { // mysql configuration
    handle: mysql
  mysql2: { // another mysql configuration
    handle: mysql
  sqlite: {  // sqlite configuration

  postgresql: { // postgresql configuration


if the project need to use mutiple configurations of the same database, you can distinguish between different types.

const user1 = think.model('user'); // use default database configuration, default type is mysql
const user2 = think.model('user', 'mysql2'); // use mysql2 configuration
const user3 = think.model('user', 'sqlite'); // use sqlite configuration
const user4 = think.model('user', 'postgresql'); // use postgresql configuration

As you can call the specified type, in theory, ThinkJS support an unlimited number of types of configuration, the project can be configured as needed.


Adapter of Mysql is think-model-mysql, the bottom is based on the mysql library, using the connection pool way to connect to the database, the default connection number is 1.

const mysql = require('think-model-mysql');
exports.model = {
  type: 'mysql',
  mysql: {
    handle: mysql, // Adapter handle
    user: 'root', // username
    password: '',
    database: '',
    host: '',
    port: 3306,
    connectionLimit: 1, // connection number of connection pool, the default is 1
    prefix: '', // data sheet prefix,, if there is more than one item in a database, then the data sheet between the items can be distinguished by the prefix

In addition to using the host and port to connect to the database, but also through socketPath to connect. More configuration options see


Adapter of SQLite is think-model-sqlite, the bottom is based on the sqlite3 library, using the connection pool way to connect to the database, the default connection number is 1.

const sqlite = require('think-model-sqlite');
exports.model = {
  type: 'sqlite',
  sqlite: {
    handle: sqlite, // Adapter handle
    path: path.join(think.ROOT_PATH, 'runtime/sqlite'), // directory for saving sqlite
    database: '', // database name
    connectionLimit: 1, // connection number of connection pool, the default is 1
    prefix: '', // data sheet prefix,, if there is more than one item in a database, then the data sheet between the items can be distinguished by the prefix


Adapter of PostgreSQL is think-model-postgresql, the bottom based on pg library, using the connection pool way to connect to the database, the default connection number is 1.

const postgresql = require('think-model-postgresql');
exports.model = {
  type: 'postgresql',
  postgresql: {
    handle: postgresql, // Adapter handle
    user: 'root', // username
    password: '',
    database: '',
    host: '',
    port: 3211,
    connectionLimit: 1, // connection number of connection pool, the default is 1
    prefix: '', // data sheet prefix,, if there is more than one item in a database, then the data sheet between the items can be distinguished by the prefix

In addition to using the host and port to connect to the database, but also through connectionString to connect. More configuration options see

Create model file

The model files are placed in the src/model/ directory (``src/common/modelandsrc/[module]/modelin multi-module project), inheriting the model base classthink.Model` with the file format:

// src/model/user.js
module.exports = class extends think.Model {
  getList() {
    return this.field('name').select();

You can also quickly create model files in the project root via thinkjs model modelName.

If the project is complex and you want to catalog your model files, you can create subdirectories under the model directory, such as src/model/front/user.js, src/model/admin/user.js. Create the front andadmin directories under the model directory to manage the front-end and back-end model files separately.

Model instantiation with subdirectories requires subdirectories like think.model('front/user'), see here.

Instantiate the model

When the project starts, it scans for all model files (src/model/ under the project directory, src/common/model and various src/[module]/model under the multi-module project). After that, all the model classes will be stored in the object, and will be looked up from this object upon instantiation. If it is not found, the model base class think.Model will be instantiated.


Instantiate the model class.

think.model('user'); // get the instance of the model
think.model('user', 'sqlite'); // get the instance of the model, modify the type of database
think.model('user', { // get the instance of the model,modify the type of database and add other arguments
  type: 'sqlite',
  aaa: 'bbb'
think.model('user', {}, 'admin'); // get the instance of the model,specified as admin module (valid under multi-module project)


Instantiate the model class, call the think.model method after getting the configuration, and get the configuration under the current module in a multi-module project.

const user = ctx.model('user');


Instantiate the model class, call the think.model method after getting the configuration, and get the configuration under the current module in a multi-module project.

module.exports = class extends think.Controller {
  async indexAction() {
    const user = this.model('user'); // instantiate the model in the controller
    const data = await;
    return this.success(data);


Instantiate the model class, equivalent to think.model.

Instantiate a model that contains subdirectories

If the model directory contains subdirectories, you need to add the corresponding subdirectory when instantiating, for example:

const user1 = think.model('front/user'); // instantiate the user model for front-end
const user2 = think.model('admin/user'); // instantiate the user model for back-end

CRUD operation

The base class think.Model provides a rich way of CRUD operation, the following one by one to introduce.

Retrieve data

The model provides several ways to retrieve data, such as:

  • find query a single data
  • select query multiple data
  • count The total number of query
  • countSelect paging query data
  • max query the maximum value of the field
  • avg query the average value of the field
  • min query the minimum value of the field
  • sum sum the field values
  • getField query the value of the specified field

At the same time the model supports the following methods to specify specific conditions in the SQL statement, such as:

  • where specify the where condition in the SQL statement
  • limit / page specify the limit in the SQL statement
  • field / fieldReverse specify the field in the SQL statement
  • order specify the order in the SQL statement
  • group specify the group in the SQL statement
  • join specify the join in the SQL statement
  • union specify the union in the SQL statement
  • having specify the having in the SQL statement
  • cache set the query cache

Create data

The model provides the following methods to create data:

  • add create a single data
  • thenAdd add when where condition doesn't exist
  • addMany add multiple data
  • selectAdd add result data for subquery

Update data

The model provides the following methods to update data:

Delete data

The model provides the following methods to delete data:

Manually execute the SQL statement

Sometimes the model packaging method can't meet all the circumstances, this time need to manually specify the SQL statement, you can through the following methods:

  • query handwritten SQL statement to query
  • execute handwritten SQL statement to execute


For data security demanding business (such as: order system, banking system) operation requires the use of transaction, so as to ensure the atomicity of data, consistency, isolation and durability, the model provides a method of operating the transaction.

Manally manipulate transaction

You can manipulate transactions manually using the model.startTrans, model.commit, and model.rollback methods.


每次操作事务时都手工执行 startTrans、commit 和 rollback 比较麻烦,模型提供了 model.transaction 方法快速操作事务。 The manual execution of startTrans, commit, and rollback is cumbersome for every transaction, and the model provides the model.transaction method for quickly manipulating transactions.

Set the primary key

The primary key of the datasheet can be set via the pk attribute as described in

Set schema

The data table structure can be set via the schema attribute, as described in model.schema.

Related query

Database tables often associated with other data tables, data operations need to operate together with the association table. For example: A blog post will have categories, tags, reviews, and which user it belongs to. The types of support are: one to one, one to one (belong to), one to many and many to many.

The detailed relationship can be configured via the model.relation attribute.

One to one

One to one association, indicating that the current table contains a subsidiary table. Assuming that the model name of the current table is user and the model name of the association table is info, the default value of key in the configuration is id and the default value of fKey is user_id.

module.exports = class extends think.Model {
  get relation() {
    return {
      info: think.Model.HAS_ONE

When you execute a query, you get data similar to the following:

    id: 1,
    name: '111',
    info: { // data in the association table
      user_id: 1,
      desc: 'info'
  }, ...]

One to one (belong to)

One to one association, belonging to a association table, as opposed to HAS_ONE. Assuming that the current model name is info and the name of the association table is user, the default value of key in the configuration is user_id, and the default value of the fKey field is id.

module.exports = class extends think.Model {
  get relation() {
    return {
      user: think.Model.BELONG_TO

When you execute a query, you get data similar to the following:

    id: 1,
    user_id: 1,
    desc: 'info',
    user: {
      name: 'thinkjs'
  }, ...

One to many

One to many association. If the current model name is post and the association table's model name is comment, then the configuration field key defaults to id and the configuration field fKey defaults to post_id.

module.exports = class extends think.Model {
  get relation() {
    return {
      comment: {
        type: think.Model.HAS_MANY

When you execute a query, you get data similar to the following:

  id: 1,
  title: 'first post',
  content: 'content',
  comment: [{
    id: 1,
    post_id: 1,
    name: 'welefen',
    content: 'first comment'
  }, ...]
}, ...]

If the data in the association table needs to be paged query, it can be done via the model.setRelation method.

Many to many

Many to many association. Assuming the current model name is post and the associated model name is cate, then a corresponding relational table is needed. The configuration field rModel defaults to post_cate and the configuration field rfKey defaults to cate_id.

module.exports = class extends think.Model {
  get relation() {
    return {
      cate: {
        type: think.Model.MANY_TO_MANY,
        rModel: 'post_cate',
        rfKey: 'cate_id'

When you execute a query, you get data similar to the following:

  id: 1,
  title: 'first post',
  cate: [{
    id: 1,
    name: 'cate1',
    post_id: 1
  }, ...]
}, ...]

Distributed / separation of read and write

Sometimes the database needs to use a distributed database, or read and write separation, this time can add parser to the configuration to complete, such as:

exports.model = {
  type: 'mysql',
  mysql: {
    user: 'root',
    password: '',
    parser: sql => {
      // here will pass in the current SQL to be executed
      const sqlLower = sql.toLowerCase();
      if(sql.indexOf('select ') === 0) {
        return {
          host: '',
          port: ''
      } else {
        return {
          host: '',
          port: ''

parser can return different configurations based on sql and will merge the returned configuration with the default configuration.


What is the maximum number of connections to the database?

Assuming the project has two clusters, each cluster has ten machines, each machine has four workers enabled, and the number of connections in the connection pool of database configuration is five, then the overall maximum number of connections is: 2 * 10 * 4 * 5 = 400

How to check related debugging information?

The debug name used by the model is think-model, which can be started with DEBUG = think-model npm start and checked for debugging information.



Set the table structure, the default access from the data table, you can also configure additional configuration items.

module.exports = class extends think.Model {
  get schema() {
    return {
      id: { // field name
        type: 'int(11)',

Supported fields are:

  • type {String} the type of field, including the length attribute

  • required {Boolean} required or not

  • default {mixed} the default value, can be a value or a function

    module.exports = class extends think.Model {
      get schema() {
        return {
          type: { // field name
            type: 'varchar(10)',
            default: 'small'
          create_time: {
            type: 'datetime',
            default: () => think.datetime() // default is a function
          score: {
            type: 'int',
            default: data => { // data is added / updated data
              return data.grade * 1.5;
  • primary {boolean} is the primary key or not

  • unique {boolean} whether the field is unique

  • autoIncrement {boolean} whether or not auto increment

  • readonly {boolean} whether the field is read-only, can only be added when creating, can't update the field

  • update {boolean} whether the default value is valid also when updating. If readonly is set, then this field is invalid.


Configure the association of data tables.

module.exports = class extends think.Model {
  // configure the association
  get relation() {
    return {
      cate: { // configure the relationship with the classification
        type: think.Model.MANY_TO_MANY,
      comment: { // configure the association with comments


The configuration supported by each association is as follows:

  • type association type, default is think.Model.HAS_ONE

    One to one: think.Model.HAS_ONE
    One to one (belong to): think.Model.BELONG_TO
    One to many: think.Model.HAS_MANY
    Many to many: think.Model.MANY_TO_MANY
  • model the model name of the association table, the default is the key of configuration

    When instantiating the corresponding relational model, the relational model is instantiated via const relationModel = this.model(item.model)
  • name the corresponding data field name, the default is the key of configuration, after querying the data, save the field name.

    // origin data
    const originData = {
      id: 1,
      email: ''
    // set the corresponding data field named cate
    // then the final generated data is
    const targetData = {
      id: 1,
      email: '',
      cate: {
  • key the current model's associated key

    One to one, one to many, many to many the default value is the primary key of the current model, such as: id
    One to one (belong to) the default value is a combination of the name of the association table and id, such as: cate_id
  • fKey the association table corresponding key

    One to one, one to many, many to many the default value is a combination of table name and id, such as: cate_id
    One to one (Belonging) the default value for the current model's primary key, such as: id
  • field field set when the association table query, the default value is *. If you need to set, must contain the value of fKey, support function.

    // set the field field
    get relation() {
      return {
        cate: {
          field: 'id,name' // only query id, name field
    // set the field to function
    get relation() {
      return {
        cate: {
          // rModel is an instance of the associated model and model is an instance of the current model
          field: (rModel, model) => {
            return 'id,name'
  • where where conditions need to be set in the association table query, support function

  • order the order need to be set in the association table query, support function

  • limit the limit need to be set in the association table query, support function

  • page the page need to be set in the association table query, support function

  • rModel many to many association, the corresponding associated model name, the default value is a combination of two model names, such as: article_cate

    In the many to many association model, an intermediate relational table is generally required to maintain the association. For example, the article and the cate (category) are many to many association, then you need an article-category intermediate relational table (article_cate), RModel is the model name of the intermediate relation table in the configuration.
  • rfKey the corresponding key of association table in many to many association

  • relation whether to close the relation of the association table

    // if the association table is configured with the relationship and query together while doing the query
    // sometimes don't want to query the association table associated data, then you can close the relation property
    get relation() {
      return {
        cate: {
          relation: false // close all the relation of the association table, to avoid problems such as death cycle

model.setRelation(name, value)

After setting the association, the query and other operations will automatically query the data of the association table. If you do not need to query the data of the association table in some cases, you can temporarily close the relational query through the setRelation method.

All disabled

Disable all the relational queries via setRelation(false).

module.exports = class extends think.Model {
    this.relation = {
      comment: think.Model.HAS_MANY,
      cate: think.Model.MANY_TO_MANY
    return this.setRelation(false).select();
Partially enabled

Only query the relevant data of the comment by setRelation('comment'), don't query other relational data.

module.exports = class extends think.Model {
    this.relation = {
      comment: think.Model.HAS_MANY,
      cate: think.Model.MANY_TO_MANY
    return this.setRelation('comment').select();
Partially disabled

Disable the relational data query for comment via setRelation('comment', false).

module.exports = class extends think.Model {
    this.relation = {
      comment: think.Model.HAS_MANY,
      cate: think.Model.MANY_TO_MANY
    return this.setRelation('comment', false).select();
All re-enabled

Re-enable all relational data query via setRelation(true).

module.exports = class extends think.Model {
    this.relation = {
      comment: think.Model.HAS_MANY,
      cate: think.Model.MANY_TO_MANY
    return this.setRelation(true).select();
Dynamically modify configuration

Although the relation is configured by the relation attribute, but sometimes when you want to dynamically modify some of the values, such as: set the paging, this time can also be done through the setRelation method.

module.exports = class extends think.Model {
    this.relation = {
      comment: think.Model.HAS_MANY,
      cate: think.Model.MANY_TO_MANY
    // dynamically set the comment page
    return this.setRelation('comment', {page}).select();


Get or set an instance of db, db is an instance of Adapter handle (such as think-model-mysql). This method is required for transactional operations because of the reuse of a connection.

module.exports = class extends think.Model {
  async getList() {
    // let user reuse current Apdater handle instance, so follow-up can reuse the same database connection
    const user = this.model('user').db(this.db());


The model name that is passed in when the model is instantiated.

const user = think.model('user');

The model passed in instantiation is named user, so model.modelName is user.


Incoming configuration when instantiating the model, configuration will automatically transfer without manual assignment.

  host: '',
  port: 3306,


Obtain the data table prefix, obtained from the prefix field in the configuration. If you want to modify it, you can through the following ways:

module.exports = class extends think.Model {
  get tablePrefix() {
    return 'think_';


Get the data table name, the value is tablePrefix + modelName. If you want to modify it, you can through the following ways:

module.exports = class extends think.Model {
  get tableName() {
    return 'think_user';

Get the primary key of the data table, the default is id. If the data table's primary key isn't id, you need to configure it, such as:

module.exports = class extends think.Model {
  get pk() {
    return 'user_id';

If you didn't write the model file but instantiated directly in the controller, then you want to change the name of the primary key, you can set the _pk property, such as:

module.exports = class extends think.Controller {
  async indexAction() {
    const user = this.model('user');
    user._pk = 'user_id'; // set the primary key via the _pk property
    const data = await;


Some options for model operation, setting where, limit, group and other operations will eventually be resolved to the options, the format is:

  where: {}, // the configuration to store where condition
  limit: {}, // the configuration to store limit
  group: {},


Get the most recent execution of the SQL statement, the default value is empty.

const user = think.model('user');
console.log(user.lastSql); // print a recent sql statement, if not return empty.


  • name {String} name of the model to be instantiated
  • return {this} model instance

Instantiate other models that support sub-directory model instantiation.

module.exports = class extends think.Model {
  async getList() {
    // If you have subdirectories, add subdirectories here, such as: this.model('front/article')
    const article = this.model('article');
    const data = await;

model.limit(offset, length)

  • offset {Number} offset in the SQL statement
  • length {Number} length in the SQL statement
  • return {this}

Setting the limit in the SQL statement will be assigned to the this.options.limit attribute for subsequent parsing.

module.exports = class extends think.Model() {
  async getList() {
    // SQL: SELECT * FROM `test_d` LIMIT 10
    const list1 = await this.limit(10).select();
    // SQL: SELECT * FROM `test_d` LIMIT 10,20
    const list2 = await this.limit(10, 20).select();
}, pagesize)

  • page {Number} set the current page number
  • pagesize {Number} the size of each page, the default is this.config.pagesize
  • return {this}

Set query paging, will be parsed to limit data.

module.exports = class extends think.Model() {
  async getList() {
    // SQL: SELECT * FROM `test_d` LIMIT 0,10
    const list1 = await; // query the first page, 10 per page
    // SQL: SELECT * FROM `test_d` LIMIT 20,20
    const list2 = await, 20).select(); // query the second page, 20 per page

The size of each page can be modified by the configuration item pageSize, such as:

// src/config/adapter.js
exports.model = {
  type: 'mysql',
  mysql: {
    database: '',
    pageSize: 20, // set the default to 20 per page


  • where {String | Object} set query conditions
  • return {this}

Set the where query condition and add this.options.where attribute for subsequent analysis. The logic can be set via the property _logic, which defaults to AND. The compound query can be set via the property _complex.

Note: Values in the where condition must be verified in Logic, or there may be SQL injection vulnerabilities.

Common conditions
module.exports = class extends think.Model {
    //SELECT * FROM `think_user`
    return this.where().select();
    //SELECT * FROM `think_user` WHERE ( `id` = 10 )
    return this.where({id: 10}).select();
    //SELECT * FROM `think_user` WHERE ( id = 10 OR id < 2 )
    return this.where('id = 10 OR id < 2').select();
    //SELECT * FROM `think_user` WHERE ( `id` != 10 )
    return this.where({id: ['!=', 10]}).select();
null condition
module.exports = class extends think.Model {
    //SELECT * FROM `think_user` where ( title IS NULL );
    return this.where({title: null}).select();
    //SELECT * FROM `think_user` where ( title IS NOT NULL );
    return this.where({title: ['!=', null]}).select();
EXP condition

ThinkJS defaults to escaping fields and values to prevent security holes. Sometimes some special circumstances don't want to be escaped, you can use the EXP approach, such as:

module.exports = class extends think.Model {
    //SELECT * FROM `think_user` WHERE ( (`name` ='name') )
    return this.where({name: ['EXP', "=\"name\""]}).select();
LIKE condition
module.exports = class extends think.Model {
    //SELECT * FROM `think_user` WHERE ( `title` NOT LIKE 'welefen' )
    return this.where({title: ['NOTLIKE', 'welefen']}).select();
    //SELECT * FROM `think_user` WHERE ( `title` LIKE '%welefen%' )
    return this.where({title: ['like', '%welefen%']}).select();
  //like multiple values
    //SELECT * FROM `think_user` WHERE ( (`title` LIKE 'welefen' OR `title` LIKE 'suredy') )
    return this.where({title: ['like', ['welefen', 'suredy']]}).select();
  // multiple fields OR Like a value
    //SELECT * FROM `think_user` WHERE ( (`title` LIKE '%welefen%') OR (`content` LIKE '%welefen%') )
    return this.where({'title|content': ['like', '%welefen%']}).select();
  // multiple fields AND Like a value
    //SELECT * FROM `think_user` WHERE ( (`title` LIKE '%welefen%') AND (`content` LIKE '%welefen%') )
    return this.where({'title&content': ['like', '%welefen%']}).select();
IN condition
module.exports = class extens think.Model {
    //SELECT * FROM `think_user` WHERE ( `id` IN ('10','20') )
    return this.where({id: ['IN', '10,20']}).select();
    //SELECT * FROM `think_user` WHERE ( `id` IN (10,20) )
    return this.where({id: ['IN', [10, 20]]}).select();
    //SELECT * FROM `think_user` WHERE ( `id` NOT IN (10,20) )
    return this.where({id: ['NOTIN', [10, 20]]}).select();
module.exports = class extens think.Model {
    //SELECT * FROM `think_user` WHERE (  (`id` BETWEEN 1 AND 2) )
    return this.where({id: ['BETWEEN', 1, 2]}).select();
    //SELECT * FROM `think_user` WHERE (  (`id` BETWEEN '1' AND '2') )
    return this.where({id: ['between', '1,2']}).select();
Multi-field query
module.exports = class extends think.Model {
    //SELECT * FROM `think_user` WHERE ( `id` = 10 ) AND ( `title` = 'www' )
    return this.where({id: 10, title: "www"}).select();
  // change to OR
    //SELECT * FROM `think_user` WHERE ( `id` = 10 ) OR ( `title` = 'www' )
    return this.where({id: 10, title: "www", _logic: 'OR'}).select();
  //change to XOR
    //SELECT * FROM `think_user` WHERE ( `id` = 10 ) XOR ( `title` = 'www' )
    return this.where({id: 10, title: "www", _logic: 'XOR'}).select();
Multiple conditions query
module.exports = class extends think.Model {
    //SELECT * FROM `think_user` WHERE ( `id` > 10 AND `id` < 20 )
    return this.where({id: {'>': 10, '<': 20}}).select();
  // change to OR
    //SELECT * FROM `think_user` WHERE ( `id` < 10 OR `id` > 20 )
    return this.where({id: {'<': 10, '>': 20, _logic: 'OR'}}).select()
Compound query
module.exports = class extends think.Model {
    //SELECT * FROM `think_user` WHERE ( `title` = 'test' ) AND (  ( `id` IN (1,2,3) ) OR ( `content` = 'www' ) )
    return this.where({
      title: 'test',
      _complex: {id: ['IN', [1, 2, 3]],
        content: 'www',
        _logic: 'or'


  • field {String} query field, support AS
  • return {this}

Set the query field in the SQL statement, the default is *. The value will be assigned to the this.options.field property, for subsequent analysis.

module.exports = class extends think.Model{
  async getList() {
    // SQL: SELECT `d_name` FROM `test_d`
    const data1 = await this.field('d_name').select();

    // SQL: SELECT `c_id`,`d_name` FROM `test_d`
    const data2 = await this.field('c_id,d_name').select();

    // SQL: SELECT c_id AS cid,`d_name` FROM `test_d`
    const data3 = await this.field('c_id AS cid, d_name').select();


  • field {String} query field, AS is not supported。
  • return {this}

If you set an anti-election field (ie, don't query the configured fields but query other fields), the this.options.field and this.options.fieldReverse properties are added to facilitate subsequent analysis.

The implementation of this function: Query all the fields in the data table, and then filter out the configuration field.

module.exports = class extends think.Model{
  async getList() {
    // SQL: SELECT `id`, `c_id` FROM `test_d`
    const data1 = await this.fieldReverse('d_name').select();

model.table(table, hasPrefix)

  • table {String} table name, support for a SELECT statement
  • hasPrefix {Boolean} whether the table already contains a table prefix, the default value is false
  • return {this}

Set the table name corresponding to the current model. If hasPrefix is false and table is not an SQL statement, the table name will be appended with tablePrefix, and the last value will be set to the this.options.table attribute.

If this property is not set then the table name is taken from the mode.tableName property when the SQL is last parsed.

model.union(union, all)

  • union {String} union query fields
  • all {boolean} whether to use UNION ALL
  • return {this}

Set SQL UNION query and add this.options.union attribute, for subsequent analysis.

module.exports = class extends think.Model {
    //SELECT * FROM `think_user` UNION (SELECT * FROM think_pic2)
    return this.union('SELECT * FROM think_pic2').select();
    //SELECT * FROM `think_user` UNION ALL (SELECT * FROM `think_pic2`)
    return this.union({table: 'think_pic2'}, true).select();


  • join {String | Object | Array} query statement to be combined, the default is LEFT JOIN
  • return {this}

Combination of queries, support for strings, arrays and objects, and many other ways. And add the this.options.join property for subsequent analysis.

module.exports = class extends think.Model {
    //SELECT * FROM `think_user` LEFT JOIN think_cate ON
    return this.join('think_cate ON').select();
module.exports = class extends think.Model {
    //SELECT * FROM `think_user` LEFT JOIN think_cate ON RIGHT JOIN think_tag ON
    return this.join([
      'think_cate ON',
      'RIGHT JOIN think_tag ON'
Object: a single table
module.exports = class extends think.Model {
    //SELECT * FROM `think_user` INNER JOIN `think_cate` AS c ON think_user.`cate_id`=c.`id`
    return this.join({
      table: 'cate',
      join: 'inner', // join way, there are left, right, inner 3 ways.
      as: 'c', // table alias
      on: ['cate_id', 'id'] //ON condition
Object: JOIN multiple times
module.exports = class extends think.Model {
    //SELECT * FROM think_user AS a LEFT JOIN `think_cate` AS c ON a.`cate_id`=c.`id` LEFT JOIN `think_group_tag` AS d ON a.`id`=d.`group_id`
    return this.alias('a').join({
      table: 'cate',
      join: 'left',
      as: 'c',
      on: ['cate_id', 'id']
      table: 'group_tag',
      join: 'left',
      as: 'd',
      on: ['id', 'group_id']
Object: multiple tables
module.exports = class extends think.Model {
    //SELECT * FROM `think_user` LEFT JOIN `think_cate` ON think_user.`id`=think_cate.`id` LEFT JOIN `think_group_tag` ON think_user.`id`=think_group_tag.`group_id`
    return this.join({
      cate: {
        on: ['id', 'id']
      group_tag: {
        on: ['id', 'group_id']
module.exports = class extends think.Model {
    //SELECT * FROM think_user AS a LEFT JOIN `think_cate` AS c ON a.`id`=c.`id` LEFT JOIN `think_group_tag` AS d ON a.`id`=d.`group_id`
    return this.alias('a').join({
      cate: {
        join: 'left', // there left, right, inner 3 values
        as: 'c',
        on: ['id', 'id']
      group_tag: {
        join: 'left',
        as: 'd',
        on: ['id', 'group_id']
Object: The ON condition contains more than one field
module.exports = class extends think.Model {
    //SELECT * FROM `think_user` LEFT JOIN `think_cate` ON think_user.`id`=think_cate.`id` LEFT JOIN `think_group_tag` ON think_user.`id`=think_group_tag.`group_id` LEFT JOIN `think_tag` ON (think_user.`id`=think_tag.`id` AND think_user.`title`=think_tag.`name`)
    return this.join({
      cate: {on: 'id, id'},
      group_tag: {on: ['id', 'group_id']},
      tag: {
        on: { // Multiple fields ON
          id: 'id',
          title: 'name'
Object: table value is a SQL statement
module.exports = class extends think.Model {
  async getList(){
    let sql = await this.model('group').buildSql();
    //SELECT * FROM `think_user` LEFT JOIN ( SELECT * FROM `think_group` ) ON think_user.`gid`=( SELECT * FROM `think_group` ).`id`
    return this.join({
      table: sql,
      on: ['gid', 'id']


  • order {String | Array | Object} sort method
  • return {this}

Set the sort method in SQL and add this.options.order attribute, easy to follow-up analysis.

module.exports = class extends think.Model {
    //SELECT * FROM `think_user` ORDER BY id DESC, name ASC
    return this.order('id DESC, name ASC').select();
    //SELECT * FROM `think_user` ORDER BY count(num) DESC
    return this.order('count(num) DESC').select();
module.exports = class extends think.Model {
    //SELECT * FROM `think_user` ORDER BY id DESC,name ASC
    return this.order(['id DESC', 'name ASC']).select();
module.exports = class extends think.Model {
    //SELECT * FROM `think_user` ORDER BY `id` DESC,`name` ASC
    return this.order({
      id: 'DESC',
      name: 'ASC'


  • aliasName {String} table alias
  • return {this}

Set table alias and add the this.options.alias attribute for subsequent analysis.

module.exports = class extends think.Model {
    //SELECT * FROM think_user AS a;
    return this.alias('a').select();


  • having {String} having query string
  • return {this}

Set having query and set the this.options.having attribute for subsequent analysis.

module.exports = class extends think.Model {
    //SELECT * FROM `think_user` HAVING view_nums > 1000 AND view_nums < 2000
    return this.having('view_nums > 1000 AND view_nums < 2000').select();

  • group {String} Fields for grouping query
  • return {this}

Set grouping query and set the attribute for subsequent analysis.

module.exports = class extends think.Model {
    //SELECT * FROM `think_user` GROUP BY `name`


  • distinct {String} the field need deduplicate
  • return {this}

Deduplicate query and set this.options.distinct attribute for subsequent analysis.

module.exports = class extends think.Model {
    //SELECT DISTINCT `name` FROM `think_user`
    return this.distinct('name').select();


  • data {Object} the data to be added

Pre-operation of add.


  • data {Object} the data to be added

Follow-up operation of add.


Follow-up operation of delete.


  • data {Object} the data to be updated

Pre-operation of update.

Sometimes you need a function to update the value when it is submitted and not update when it is null, then you can use this method to operate:

module.exports = class extends think.Model {
  beforeUpdate(data) {
    for (const key in data) {
      // Not updated if value is empty
      if(data[key] === '') {
        delete data[key];
    return data;


  • data {Object} data to update

Post operation of update。


  • data {Object} a single data to query
  • return {Object | Promise}

Follow-up operation of find query.


  • data [Array] data to query
  • return {Array | Promise}

Follow-up operation of select query.

model.add(data, options)

  • data {Object} the data to be added, if some of the data in the field doesn't exist in the data table will automatically be filtered out
  • options {Object} Operation options are resolved via the parseOptions method
  • return {Promise} return the ID inserted

Add a piece of data, the return value is insert data id.

The return value may be 0 if the data table has no primary key or no attribute such as auto increment is set. If you manually set the value of the primary key when inserting data, the return value may also be 0.

module.exports = class extends think.Controller {
  async addAction(){
    let model = this.model('user');
    let insertId = await model.add({name: 'xxx', pwd: 'yyy'});

Sometimes project need to use some functions of the database to add data, such as: timestamp using mysql CURRENT_TIMESTAMP function, then you can use exp expression to complete.

module.exports = class extends think.Controller {
  async addAction(){
    let model = this.model('user');
    let insertId = await model.add({
      name: 'test',
      time: ['exp', 'CURRENT_TIMESTAMP()']

model.thenAdd(data, where)

  • data {Object} the data to be added
  • where {Object} where condition, where condition is set by where method
  • return {Promise}

Add data when the where condition hasn't hit any data.

module.exports = class extends think.Controller {
  async addAction(){
    const model = this.model('user');
    // the first parameter is the data to be added, the second parameter is added condition. Added only when no related records are queried based on the condition of the second parameter
    const result = await model.thenAdd({name: 'xxx', pwd: 'yyy'}, {email: 'xxx'});
    // result returns {id: 1000, type: 'add'} or {id: 1000, type: 'exist'}

Where conditions can also be directly specified by this.where method, such as:

module.exports = class extends think.Controller {
  async addAction(){
    const model = this.model('user');
    const result = await model.where({email: 'xxx'}).thenAdd({name: 'xxx', pwd: 'yyy'});
    // result returns {id: 1000, type: 'add'} or {id: 1000, type: 'exist'}

model.addMany(dataList, options)

  • dataList {Array} the list of data to be added
  • options {Object} Operation options are resolved via the parseOptions method
  • return {Promise} return the list of inserted IDs

Add multiple pieces of data at once.

module.exports = class extends think.Controller {
  async addAction(){
    let model = this.model('user');
    let insertIds = await model.addMany([
      {name: 'xxx', pwd: 'yyy'},
      {name: 'xxx1', pwd: 'yyy1'}

model.selectAdd(fields, table, options)

  • fields {Array | String} field name
  • table {String} table name
  • options {Object} Operation options are resolved via the parseOptions method
  • return {Promise} return the ID inserted

Add the result data of the subquery parsed from options.

module.exports = class extends think.Controller {
  async addAction(){
    let model = this.model('user');
    let insertIds = await model.selectAdd(
        id: '1'


  • options {Object} Operation options are resolved via the parseOptions method
  • return {Promise} return the number of rows affected

Delete data.

module.exports = class extends think.Controller {
  async deleteAction(){
    let model = this.model('user');
    let affectedRows = await model.where({id: ['>', 100]}).delete();

model.update(data, options)

  • data {Object} data to update
  • options {Object} Operation options are resolved via the parseOptions method
  • return {Promise} return the number of rows affected

Update data.

module.exports = class extends think.Controller {
  async updateAction(){
    let model = this.model('user');
    let affectedRows = await model.where({name: 'thinkjs'}).update({email: ''});

By default, the WHERE condition must be added to update the data to prevent any misoperation causing all data to be incorrectly updated. If it is confirmed that you need to update all the data, you can add where 1=1 conditions, such as:

module.exports = class extends think.Controller {
  async updateAction(){
    let model = this.model('user');
    let affectedRows = await model.where('1=1').update({email: ''});

Sometimes update values need to rely on the database function or other fields, this time can be done with the help of exp.

module.exports = class extends think.Controller {
  async updateAction(){
    let model = this.model('user');
    let affectedRows = await model.where('1=1').update({
      email: '',
      view_nums: ['exp', 'view_nums+1'],
      update_time: ['exp', 'CURRENT_TIMESTAMP()']

model.thenUpdate(data, where)

  • data {Object} data to update
  • where {Object} where condition
  • return {Promise}

Add data when the where condition hasn't hit any data, else update the data.

updateMany(dataList, options)

  • dataList {Array} the list of data to uodate
  • options {Object} Operation options are resolved via the parseOptions method
  • return {Promise} return the number of rows affected

Update multiple data, the dataList must contain the value of the primary key, which will be automatically set to update the conditions.

  id: 1, // the data must contain the value of the primary key
  name: 'name1'
}, {
  id: 2,
  name: 'name2'

model.increment(field, step)

  • field {String} field name
  • step {Number} increment value, default is 1
  • return {Promise}

Increment field value.

module.exports = class extends think.Model {
    return this.where({id: id}).increment('view_nums', 1); //view number plus one

model.decrement(field, step)

  • field {String} field name
  • step {Number} decrement value, default is 1
  • return {Promise}

Decrement field value.

module.exports = class extends think.Model {
    return this.where({id: id}).decrement('coins', 10); //coins minus 10


  • options {Object} Operation options are resolved via the parseOptions method
  • return {Promise} return a single piece of data

Query a single data, the data type returned as an object. If no relevant data is found, the return value is {}.

module.exports = class extends think.Controller {
  async listAction(){
    let model = this.model('user');
    let data = await model.where({name: 'thinkjs'}).find();
    //data returns {name: 'thinkjs', email: '', ...}
    if(think.isEmpty(data)) {
      // when the content is empty

The think.isEmpty method can be used to determine if the return value is empty.

  • options {Object} Operation options are resolved via the parseOptions method
  • return {Promise} return multiple data

Query multiple data, the data type returned is an array. If no relevant data is found, the return value is [].

module.exports = class extends think.Controller {
  async listAction(){
    let model = this.model('user');
    let data = await model.limit(2).select();
    //data returns [{name: 'thinkjs', email: ''}, ...]


The think.isEmpty method can be used to determine if the return value is empty.

model.countSelect(options, pageFlag)

  • options {Number | Object} Operation options are resolved via the parseOptions method
  • pageFlag {Boolean} when the number of pages isn't legal, true is amended to the first page, false is amended to the last page, the default doesn't do it
  • return {Promise}

Paging queries, in general, need to be combined with the page method. Such as:

module.exports = class extends think.Controller {
  async listAction(){
    let model = this.model('user');
    let data = await'page')).countSelect();

The return value data structure is as follows:

  pagesize: 10, // the size of each page
  currentPage: 1, // current page
  count: 100, // total number
  totalPages: 10, // total pages
  data: [{ // the data list in the current page
    name: "thinkjs",
    email: ""
  }, ...]

Sometimes the total number is stored in other tables, don't need to check the current table to get the total number, this time can be the first parameter options set to the total number of queries.

module.exports = class extends think.Controller {
  async listAction(){
    const model = this.model('user');
    const total = 256;
    // specify the total number of queries
    const data = await'page')).countSelect(total);

model.getField(field, num)

  • field {String} field name, multiple fields are separated by commas
  • num {Boolean | Number} the number of need
  • return {Promise}

Get the value of a specific field, you can set where, group and other conditions.

** Get all the list of individual fields **

module.exports = class extends think.Controller {
  async listAction(){
    const data = await this.model('user').getField('c_id');
    // data = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

** Specified number to get a list of individual fields **

module.exports = class extends think.Controller {
  async listAction(){
    const data = await this.model('user').getField('c_id', 3);
    // data = [1, 2, 3]

** Gets a single value of a single field **

module.exports = class extends think.Controller {
  async listAction(){
    const data = await this.model('user').getField('c_id', true);
    // data = 1

** Get all the list of multiple fields **

module.exports = class extends think.Controller {
  async listAction(){
    const data = await this.model('user').getField('c_id,d_name');
    // data = {c_id: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5], d_name: ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e']}

** Gets all the lists for the specified number of multiple fields **

module.exports = class extends think.Controller {
  async listAction(){
    const data = await this.model('user').getField('c_id,d_name', 3);
    // data = {c_id: [1, 2, 3], d_name: ['a', 'b', 'c']}

** Get a single value of multiple fields **

module.exports = class extends think.Controller {
  async listAction(){
    const data = await this.model('user').getField('c_id,d_name', true);
    // data = {c_id: 1, d_name: 'a'}


  • field {String} field name, default is *
  • return {Promise} return the total number

Get total number.

module.exports = class extends think.Model{
  // get the sum of the field values
  getScoreCount() {
    // SELECT COUNT(score) AS think_count FROM `test_d` LIMIT 1
    return this.count('score');


  • field {String} field name
  • return {Promise}

Sum the field values.

module.exports = class extends think.Model{
  // get the sum of the field values
  getScoreSum() {
    // SELECT SUM(score) AS think_sum FROM `test_d` LIMIT 1
    return this.sum('score');


  • field {String} field name
  • return {Promise}

Find the minimum value of the field.

module.exports = class extends think.Model{
  // get the minimum value
  getScoreMin() {
    // SELECT MIN(score) AS think_min FROM `test_d` LIMIT 1
    return this.min('score');


  • field {String} field name
  • return {Promise}

Find the maximum value of the field.

module.exports = class extends think.Model{
  // get the maximum value
  getScoreMax() {
    // SELECT MAX(score) AS think_max FROM `test_d` LIMIT 1
    return this.max('score');


  • field {String} field name
  • return {Promise}

Find the average of the field.

module.exports = class extends think.Model{
  // get the average value
  getScoreAvg() {
    // SELECT AVG(score) AS think_avg FROM `test_d` LIMIT 1
    return this.avg('score');


  • sqlOptions {String | Object} SQL option to execute
  • return {Promise} data to query

Specifying a SQL statement to execute the query, sqlOptions is resolved via the parseSql method, which requires that you handle your own security issues when executing SQL statements.

module.exports = class extends think.Model {
  getMysqlVersion() {
    return this.query('select version();');


  • sqlOptions {String | Object} SQL option to operate
  • return {Promise}

Specifying a SQL statement to execute the query, sqlOptions is resolved via the parseSql method, which requires that you handle your own security issues when executing SQL statements.

module.exports = class extends think.Model {
  xxx() {
    return this.execute('set @b=5;call proc_adder(2,@b,@s);');

model.parseSql(sqlOptions, ...args)

  • sqlOptions {String | Object} SQL option to parse
  • ...args {Array} data to parse
  • return {Object}

Parsing SQL statements, the SQL statement __TABLENAME__ resolve to the corresponding table name. Args data is parsed into sql via util.format.

module.exports = class extends think.Model {
    const sql = 'SELECT * FROM __GROUP__ WHERE id=10';
    const sqlOptions = this.parseSql(sql);
    //{sql: "SELECT * FROM think_group WHERE id=10"}
    const sql = 'SELECT * FROM __GROUP__ WHERE id=10';
    const sqlOptions = this.parseSql({sql, debounce: false});
    //{sql: SELECT * FROM think_group WHERE id=10", debounce: false}


  • options {Object} the options to be merged, and will be combined into this.options for parsing
  • return {Promise}

Resolution options. The where, limit, group, and the other operations set the corresponding property to this.options, which parses this.options and appends the corresponding properties so they are needed for subsequent processing.

const options = await this.parseOptions({limit: 1});
options = {
  table: '',
  tablePrefix: '',
  pk: '',
  field: '',
  where: '',
  limit: '',
  group: '',

After calling this.parseOptions, the this.options property will be set to empty object {}.


  • return {Promise}

Start the transaction.


  • return {Promise}

Commit the transaction.


  • return {Promise}

Rollback the transaction.

module.exports = class extends think.Model {
  async addData() {
    // commit if commit is succsessful, rollback if failed
    try {
      await this.startTrans();
      const result = await this.add({});
      await this.commit();
      return result;
    } catch(e){
      await this.rollback();

If you need to instantiate multiple model operations during a transaction, you need to reuse the same database connection between models, as described in model.db.


  • fn {Function} function to be executed, if there is asynchronous operation, you need to return a Promise
  • return {Promise}

Use the transaction to perform the function passed, the function needs to return a Promise. If the function return the value of Resolved Promise, then the final implementation of the commit, if the return value is Rejected Promise (or error), then the final implementation of rollback.

module.exports = class extends think.Model {
  async updateData(data){
    const result = await this.transaction(async () => {
      const insertId = await this.add(data);
      return insertId;

Because the operations in the transaction need to be executed in the same connection, if multiple models are involved in the process, multiple models are required to reuse the same database connection. In this case, the database connection can be reused through the model.db method.

module.exports = class extends think.Model {
  async updateData(data){
    const result = await this.transaction(async () => {
      const insertId = await this.add(data);
      // through the db method for the user_cate model reuse the current model of the database connection
      const userCate = this.model('user_cate').db(this.db());
      let result = await userCate.add({user_id: insertId, cate_id: 100});
      return result;

model.cache(key, config)

  • key {String} cache key, if not set will get the SQL statement md5 value as the key
  • config {Mixed} cache configuration
  • return {this}

Set the query cache, only valid in select, find, getField and other methods related to the query. And combine the cache adapter and the model cache configuration automatically.

// cache adapter configuration
exports.cache = {
  type: 'file',
  file: {
    handle: fileCache,
// model adapter configuration
exports.model = {
  type: 'mysql',
  mysql: {
    handle: mysqlModel,
    cache: { // extra cache configuration
      type: 'file',
      handle: fileCache

The cache adapter configuration, the model cache configuration, and the arguments configuration will eventually be combined as the cache configuration.

module.exports = class extends think.Controller {
  indexAction() {
    // set the cache key to userList, valid for 2 hours
    return this.model('user').cache('userList', {timeout: 2 * 3600 * 1000}).select();


  • lock {Boolean} whether to lock
  • return {this}

Add the lock when SELECT, FOR UPDATE after the SELECT statement.

module.exports = class extends think.Controller {
  async indexAction() {
    const user = this.model('user');
    const data = await user.lock(true).where({id: 1}).find();
    await user.where({id: data}).update({score: 1});