
Session is always needed for user login. ThinkJS supports a variety of session adapters, Such as file, db, redis and so on.

Supported Session Types

  • memory session stored in memory
  • file session stored in file system
  • db session stored in database
  • redis session stored in redis

db Session

You need create a table in your database except MongoDB, if you want to use db session. You can use the following SQL statement to create:

  DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `think_session`;
  CREATE TABLE `think_session` (
    `id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
    `cookie` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
    `data` text,
    `expire` bigint(11) NOT NULL,
    PRIMARY KEY (`id`),
    UNIQUE KEY `cookie` (`cookie`),
    KEY `expire` (`expire`)

The think_ should be replaced with the table prefix in database configuration.

redis Session

The redis session needs to configurate redis, see confirguration for more details.

Configurate Session

Session configuration is as follows, you can edit it in the file src/common/config/session.js:

export default {
  type: 'file',
  name: 'thinkjs', // cookie name
  secret: '', // if the session cookie needs encrypt.
  timeout: 24 * 3600, // session expire time, defaults to one day
  cookie: { // cookie options
    length: 32
  adapter: {
    file: {
      path: think.getPath('common', 'runtime') + '/session'

Note:The framework supports adaptor configuration from the version 2.0.6.

This configuration is about Cookie.

Read/Write Session

Controller or Logic can read/write session.

Read Session

export default class extends think.controller.base {
  async indexAction(){
    //get session
    let value = await this.session('userInfo');
Write Session
export default class extends think.controller.base {
  async indexAction(){
    //set session
    await this.session('userInfo', data);
Clear Session
export default class extends think.controller.base {
  async indexAction(){
    //clear session of current user
    await this.session();

http.session method of http object can read and write Session. See also API -> http for more details.

Extend Session

You can create a Session Adapter by using the command:

`thinkjs adapter session/foo`

this command will create file src/common/adapter/session/foo.js, then you need impement these methods:

export default class extends think.adapter.session {
   * init
   * @param  {Object} options []
   * @return {}         []

   * get Session 
   * @param  {String} name []
   * @return {Promise}      []

   * set Session
   * @param {String} name  []
   * @param {Mixed} value []
  set(name, value){

   * delete Session
   * @param  {String} name []
   * @return {Promise}      []

   * update Session
   * @return {Promise} []

   * clear expired Session
   * @return {Promise} []


To know the implement of Session in ThinkJS, please see also

Use Third Party Session Adapter

To know how to use third party session Adapter, please see also Adapter -> intro