Project Structure

After creating ThinkJS project, you will get the directory structure something like the following:

   |-- nginx.conf
   |-- package.json
   |-- src
   |   |-- common
   |   |   |-- bootstrap
   |   |   |   |-- generate_icon.js
   |   |   |   `-- middleware.js
   |   |   |-- config
   |   |   |   |-- config.js
   |   |   |   |-- env
   |   |   |   |   |-- development.js
   |   |   |   |   `-- production.js
   |   |   |   |-- hook.js
   |   |   |   |-- locale
   |   |   |   |   |-- en.js
   |   |   |   |   `-- zh-cn.js
   |   |   |   `-- route.js
   |   |   |-- controller
   |   |   |    `-- error.js
   |   |   `-- runtime
   |   `-- home
   |       |-- config
   |       |-- controller
   |       |   |-- base.js
   |       |   `-- index.js
   |       |-- logic
   |       |   `-- doc.js
   |       `-- model
   |-- view
   |   `-- zh-cn
   |       |-- common
   |       |   |-- error_400.html
   |       |   |-- error_403.html
   |       |   |-- error_404.html
   |       |   |-- error_500.html
   |       |   `-- error_503.html
   |       `-- home
   |           |-- doc_index.html
   |           |-- doc_search.html
   |           |-- inc
   |           |   |-- footer.html
   |           |   `-- header.html
   |           |-- index_changelog.html
   |           |-- index_demo.html
   |           `-- index_index.html
   `-- www
       |-- favicon.ico
       |-- index.js
       |-- production.js
       `-- static
           |-- css
           |-- img
           `-- js

tips: Different mode used when creating the project, may result in the slightly different structure.


This is the nginx's configuration file. When deploy your project to the production environment, we recommend you using nginx as the reverse proxy.


src folder holds all of the source files, but you can only have it when create prjects in ES6 mode. After start project, the source files in src/ will be compiled automatically into the app/ folder with same name.


You should place the common module files into this folder, the so-called common files used to store the code logic that could be used all around the project.


Files in this folder will be autoload when project bootstrapping, so you don't need to require them manually. You can define global functions, register middlewares by using this folder.

Defining global functions

// src/common/bootstrap/fn.js
global.formatDate = obj => {

We defined a global function formatDate here, you can call it anywhere in the project after define it here.

Register Middlewares

// src/common/bootstrap/middleware.js
think.middleware('replace_image', http => {

We defined a middleware replace_image here, then you can register it in the configure file hook.js.

tips: bootstrap can only stay in common module.


You can place the common config files here. Bear in mind, the route.js, hook.js and locale.js must stay within this folder.

'use strict';
 * config
export default {
  //key: value


Within this folder, you should put the common controller files. For example, the error.js has designed some different error handling behaviors, you can modify it or add other controller according to the project requirements.


This is a temp folder to store for example cache files, upload files and other files at the runtime.


home module is a default module for your project. You can change your default module to other directory by add default_module option and assign a value to it in src/common/config/config.js.


Before every operation execution, it is possible to validate something in advance here, so as to decrease the complexity of the actions in the controllers. For example, we can validate whether the parameters meet the requirements, the input data are acceptability, or current user have the access to do something.

'use strict';
 * logic
 * @param  {} []
 * @return {}     []
export default class extends think.logic.base {
   * index action logic
   * @return {} []



Controller folder. Each url has an matched action within the matched controller.

'use strict';

import Base from './base.js';

export default class extends Base {
   * index action
   * @return {Promise} []
    //auto render template file index_index.html
    return this.display();


Models to handle database operations.


The view folder used to store template files. If you need support i18n or multiple themes, you should create the sub-folders respectively.


Our project's root which we have to access, nginx's configure root will be set here.


Our project's entry file in development mode, it can be modified as the project's need. When in production environment, the entry file will be www/production.js.

The content of index.js is something like this:

var thinkjs = require('thinkjs');
var path = require('path');

var rootPath = path.dirname(__dirname);

var instance = new thinkjs({
  APP_PATH: rootPath + '/app',
  ROOT_PATH: rootPath,
  RESOURCE_PATH: __dirname,
  env: 'development'


Holding the static files.