Static Resources Access

We generally need to reference static resources in a template when developing projects.

When using the command thinkjs to create a project, it will automatically create the directory www/static, where specially stores JS, CSS, images and other static resources.

Access Static Resources

After putting the static resources in www/static, you can reference them in a template by the following approaches.

Reference JS files in template

<script src="/static/js/foo.js"></script>

Reference CSS files in template

<link href="/static/css/foo.css" rel="stylesheet" />

Reference Image files in template

<img src="/static/img/foo.png" alt="" >

Static Resources Access Configuration

Judging whether the request is a static resource request, we use regular expression. The default configuration is as follows.

export default {
  resource_on: true, // enable static resources resolution function
  resource_reg: /^(static\/|[^\/]+\.(?!js|html)\w+$)/, // regular expression for judging static resource request

You can modify the configuration file src/common/config/config.js according to your project requirements.

Close Online Static Resources Access

After the project is online, it generally uses nginx or other WEB server as an agent. At this time, you can let nginx to directly handle the static resource requests. Thus, you could close the static resources access to improve performance.

Set the option resource_on to false in the configuration file src/common/config/env/prodution.js to close it. eg.

export default {
  resource_on: false