
ThinkJS supports SQLite database, underlying uses sqlite3 module.


Change type property to sqlite to use SQLite. Modify src/common/config/db.js:

export default {
  type: "sqlite"

Store Type

SQLite supports two ways to store data: memory and file, config path to true to use memory store:


export default {
  type: "sqlite",
  adapter: {
    sqlite: {
      path: true, // use memory to store data


Use file need to set the path of SQLite data, default is src/common/runtime/sqlite.

export default {
  type: "sqlite",
  adapter: {
    sqlite: {
      path: "/path/to/store/sqlite" //use file to store data

The path of data file is path + /[name].sqlite, default database demo's file path is src/common/runtime/sqlite/demo.sqlite.

CRUD Operations

CRUD operations are same as MySql, just read Model -> Introduction.