
View is template, its default root directory is view/.

View Files

The default naming rule of view file is module/controller_operation.html.

For URL home/article/detail, after parsed, the module is home, the controller is article, the operation is detail, then the corresponding view file is home/article_detail.html.

View Configuration

Default view configuration is as follows, you can modify it in the configuration file src/common/config/view.js :

export default {
  type: 'ejs', // template engine
  content_type: 'text/html', // the Content-Type send with outputed template
  file_ext: '.html', // the extension name
  file_depr: '_', // the seperator between controller and action
  root_path: think.ROOT_PATH + '/view', // the root directory of view files
  prerender: undefined, // whether execution custom process logic before rendering template
  adapter: { // the configuration options needed by template engine
    ejs: {}, // the extra configuration options when using ejs as template engine
    nunjucks: {} // the extra configuration options when using nunjucks as template engine

Note: Since 2.0.6 version, options configuration item was removed, and adapter is the replacement.

The default root directory of view is view/. If you want each module to own a separate view directory, just reset root_path configuration to empty.

Modifing Seperator

The seperator between the default controller and operation is _, so the file name is similar to index_index.html. If you want the controller to be as a layer directory, such as: index/index.html, you can modify the seperator to /.

export default {
  file_depr: '/'

Modify The Template Engine

If you want to modify some configurations of the template engines, you can modify the corresponding field of configuration. Such as:

export default {
  options: {    
    delimiter: '&' // modify  as  <& and &>

Template Engine

ThinkJS support ejs, jade, swig and nunjucks as template engine, and the default template engine is ejs, you can modify the default template engine based on need.



The default delimiters of ejs are <% and %>. If you want to change them, you can modify the options field of the configuration , such as:

export default {
  options: {
    delimiter: '&' //将定界符修改为 <& 和 &>
Variable Output
  • Escape output <%=>
  • Not escape output <%->
  • Comment <%#>
<%if( === '1'){%>
<%}else if( === '2'){%>

The new version of ejs no longer support the filter function, and if you need some filter functions, you can define some global function in src/common/bootstrap/, then you can use these functions directly in the template.

Reference File

ejs does not support template inheritance. But it can make a public template as an independent file, and then introduce it using include directive, such as:

<%include inc/header.html%>

Note: Variable that used by ejs template needs to be assigned in the controller, otherwise it will produce an error.

More ejs document please see here.


Nunjucks is a another template engine ThinkJS supported, it similar to the jinja2, whose functions is unusually powerful, if your project is complex, we suggest you use it.


Block-level delimiters are {% and %}, variable delimiters are {{ and }}, comment delimiters are <# and #>. Such as:

{{ username }}  

{% block header %} 
This is the default content
{% endblock %}
Variable Output

You can use {{username}} to output variables, the default output variables will automatically be escaped, if you don't want to escape variables, use {{username | safe}} instead.

Template Inheritance

The parent template:

{% block header %}
This is the default content
{% endblock %}

<section class="left">
  {% block left %}{% endblock %}

<section class="right">
  {% block right %}
  This is more content
  {% endblock %}

The child template:

{% extends "parent.html" %}

{% block left %}
This is the left side!
{% endblock %}

{% block right %}
This is the right side!
{% endblock %}
{% if hungry %}
  I am hungry
{% elif tired %}
  I am tired
{% else %}
  I am good!
{% endif %}
{% for item in items %}
  <li>{{ item.title }}</li>
{% else %}
  <li>This would display if the 'item' collection were empty</li>
{% endfor %}

For complete documentation please see here.


The documentation of jade template can be found here.


The documentation of swig template can be found here.

Add Filters and Other Functions

Swig, nunjucks and many other template engines support adding filters, and other functions, it can be done by finding the corresponding adapter in the template configuration file src/common/config/view.js and adding prerender configuration. Such as:

export default {
  prerender: function(nunjucks, env){
    // add a filter, then you can use it in the template
    env.addFilter('filter_foo', function(){


Note: This function is introduced since ThinkJS 2.0.5.

Extend The Template Engine

Template engine is implemented by Adapter. If your project needs to use other template engines, it can be extended through Adapter, more details please see here.

Variable Assignment

You can assigning value to template variable by using assign method in the controller.

Assignment of Single Variable
export default class extends think.controller.base {
    this.assign('title', 'ThinkJS WebSite');
Assignment of Multiple Variables
export default class extends think.controller.base {
      title: 'ThinkJS WebSite',
      author: 'thinkjs'
Get The Values

You can get assigned values by assign after variable assignment. Such as:

export default class extends think.controller.base {
    this.assign('title', 'ThinkJS 官网');
    let title = this.assign('title');

Template Rendering

You can render the template by call the display method. If no specific template file path was passed, ThinkJS will search on for you automatically. Such as:

export default class extends think.controller.base {
    this.display(); // render home/index_index.html

You could also specify a specific template file for rendering, more about the display method's using please see here.

Get Rendered Content

If you don't want to outputing template, and only want to get the rendered content, you can use the fetch method.

The ES6 Way
export default class extends think.controller.base {
  async indexAction(){
    let content = await this.fetch();
Dynamically Creation
module.exports = think.controller({
  indexAction: function(){

More details about the fetch method please see here.


After starting the internationalization, the view path will has an extra layer of internationalization of directory. Such as specific view path becomes into the view/zh-cn/home/index_index.html, and zh-cn means language.

More about how to implementing internationalization, please see extensions - > internationalization.

Multiple Themes

After setting the multiple theme, view path will be much more than a layer theme directory. Such as specific view path will becomes into the view/default/home/index_index.html, the default is the theme name.

You can set the current theme by http.theme method, setting theme is usually done by middleware.

More information on middleware please see extensions - middleware.

Default Template Variables

In order to get some common variables easily in the template, ThinkJS will automatically register http, controller, config and other variables in the template, and these variables can be read directly in the template.

The following code examples are based on ejs, if you are using other template engine, you need to modify it to use the correct syntax.


In the template, the properties and methods under http object can be used directly.


In the template, the properties and methods under controller object can be used directly.

export default class extends think.controller.base {
    this.navType = 'home';

Add property navType to the current controller in the Action, then you can use controller.navType in template directly.

<%if(controller.navType === 'home')%>
  <li className="action">home</li>


You can get the configuration in the template through the config object, such as:

<%if( === 'text'){%>


Get Localization Using _

In templates, you can obtain the value of the corresponding localization by _, these values are defined in the src/common/config/locales/[lang].js.

<%= _('title')%>

More information on internationalization please see here.