Developing Plugins

ThinkJS 2.0 supports two kinds of plugins: Middleware and Adapter.

Creating Plugins

Run the following command to create a plugin, and the plugin name begin with think- is suggested:

thinkjs plugin think-xxx

After runing, the think-xxx directory will be created, and it may includes the following content:

  create : think-xxx/
  create : think-xxx/src
  create : think-xxx/src/index.js
  create : think-xxx/test
  create : think-xxx/test/index.js
  create : think-xxx/.eslintrc
  create : think-xxx/.npmignore
  create : think-xxx/.travis.yml
  create : think-xxx/package.json
  create : think-xxx/

  enter path:
  $ cd think-xxx/

  install dependencies:
  $ npm install

  watch compile:
  $ npm run watch-compile

  run test:
  $ npm run test-cov

Directory Structure

  • src/ place the source code, using ES6/7 features
  • test/ for unit testing
  • .eslintrc configuration file eslint needed
  • .npmignore files to ignore when npm launching
  • .travis.yml configuration file for travis continuous integration
  • package.json npm configuration file
  • ReadMe

Installing Dependencies

npm install --verbose


The code file issrc/index.js, the generated file by default only contain a basic class, has not inherited any other class yet.

If it is Middleware, you may want to inherit think.middleware.base, if it is Adapter, you may want to inherit think.adapter.base.

Before developing, run npm run watch-compile to make the edited files be compiled in real time.

Unit Testing

Unit Testing code should be written in test/index.js, the test framework is mocha, and run the following command to view the unit testing result:

npm run test-cov


After developing and testing, please write the notes in the


Run npm publish to publish the plugin into the npm repository (you may be asked to create account and password if it is your very first publish).

Then, you can inform ThinkJS team. After confirmed, your plugins will be added into the offical plugin list and you can get the gift.